Founded in 2000, Yafod International Limited is a major professional garlic exporter in China. We have our own garlic production base in Shandong, China. We collect, process, pack, store and export many thousand tons of Chinese garlic to the world all year round. Over the years, we have got a worldwide reputation for our brand Pretty Garlic. In March 2010, a decade after its birth, Pretty Garlic is commented by the renowned Fortune Magazine as the "industry's equivalent of Nike or Coca-Cola". China produces 75% of the garlic in the world, according to the F [MORE...]


Pretty Garlic from China

Garlic Products

Pure white garlic, also called snow white garlic, is the variety of garlic with no purple stripes on the skin. Its price is normally higher than regular white garlic. Regular white garlic, also called normal while garlic, is the most common garlic variety of China. The skin is basically white but it also has a few purple stripes on it, as shown in the pictures...